Scholarships And Financial Aid – Study Abroad - 91ÍêÕû°æ State University


Photo of sunset over london with Big Ben and surrounding buildings lit up.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

ScholarshipsFinancial AidBudgeting and Planning Your Study Abroad

Can I afford to study abroad?

YES! Studying abroad does not always cost more than studying at 91ÍêÕû°æ State.

Certain programs do not cost much more than studying at 91ÍêÕû°æ State, while others are considerably more.  If finances are a top concern, consider destinations where the cost of living is lower or where you can participate in an exchange program in which you pay 91ÍêÕû°æ State tuition and fees. We also recommend that you meet with our Study Abroad Coordinator and talk with our Study Abroad Peer Advisors, who can explain methods used to fund their trips such as financial aid and scholarships, as well as managing finances while abroad.